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How Has Impedance Technology Changed Since The First Coulter Counter?
In the last of our four part series with Dmitry Kashanin, we look at the work that has been done since Cellix took on the challenge of worki
Cellix Technical Team
Sep 30, 20193 min read

Challenges Facing the Future of Gene Therapy
Last week Cellix attended the impressive BIO International. With over 17,000 attendees it's one of the world’s biggest and best biotech
Cellix Technical Team
Jun 27, 20195 min read

Label-free cell analysis and sorting. What is it and why is it so important?
Given many innovations in the area of cell analysis and sorting, there is now a multitude of different ways of analyzing and sorting cells.
Cellix Technical Team
Jun 5, 20196 min read

Why is Cellix looking forward to BIO 2019?
I sat down recently with our CEO, Vivienne Williams, to ask what are Cellix’s plans for the future and why are we so excited for BIO Interna
Cellix Technical Team
May 30, 20192 min read

Ireland and the Next Wave of Disruptive Technology
Disruptive technologies; innovations that dramatically alter the way in which business, industries and markets function. Ireland...
Cellix Technical Team
Mar 14, 20194 min read

5 Microbes that Ruin a Perfect Pint
In this second in our series on beer microbiology, after understanding where contamination of draft beer typically comes from, we give...
Vivienne Williams
Jul 31, 20182 min read

When Draft Beer Goes Bad
In this first in our series on beer microbiology, we give you some background on what the problem is with microbe contamination in beer and
Vivienne Williams
Jul 27, 20183 min read

Low Transfection Efficiency? 5 Points You May Not Have Considered
In the first of a series, our technical team discuss topics around transfection and gene editing. We start with a run down of 5 factors whic
Vivienne Williams
Jun 28, 20185 min read

Innovations in Flow Cytometry: The Inish Analyser
History and Applications of Flow Cytometry Flow cytometry was born out of impedance technology; in 1953, a patent was issued to American...
Vivienne Williams
May 3, 20182 min read
Improving transfection performance and efficiency using #CellixTech
In the twelve years we've been supplying biochips and micropumps to the life sciences, one technique in the field has remained...
Vivienne Williams
Apr 19, 20182 min read

Overcoming Challenges in Human Therapeutics and Drug Discovery: a vision for #CellixTech
Immunotherapy is a rapidly growing field in personalised medicine; in recent years we've all been impressed by the speed of growth and...
Vivienne Williams
Apr 17, 20182 min read
Inish Solutions: Real-time analysis & quantification of cell membrane state and viability.
Have you ever wanted a method of analysing cell membrane state & viability that is: Label free Dye free Flourescent-flow-cytometer free...
Vivienne Williams
Apr 12, 20182 min read
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