Cellix is dedicated to supporting our customers. We want to help you get back to work and get your research up and running again. We...
The DTIF-GTCASP Launch Event
5 Fantastic Findings On Thrombosis Using Cellix Tech In 2019
How Has Impedance Technology Changed Since The First Coulter Counter?
The Science Behind Cellix: The Research That Led To Its Biggest Developments
Why is Cellix looking forward to BIO 2019?
Ireland and the Next Wave of Disruptive Technology
5 Microbes that Ruin a Perfect Pint
Low Transfection Efficiency? 5 Points You May Not Have Considered
Innovations in Flow Cytometry: The Inish Analyser
Improving transfection performance and efficiency using #CellixTech
Overcoming Challenges in Human Therapeutics and Drug Discovery: a vision for #CellixTech
Inish Solutions: Real-time analysis & quantification of cell membrane state and viability.