4U 4-channel microfluidic pump is a precision pressure pump for a variety of microfluidic applications, where accurate and stable flow rate delivery is required. You can control all the features of the pump with the SmartFlo software running on PC.
Features and Benefits
FAST RESPONSE and fast settling time.
PULSE-FREE down to µL/min with flow sensor.
PROGRAMMABLE flow profiles with any combination of constant, ramp, sine and step.
EASY INTEGRATION with your own software - LabVIEW, C++, Python, etc.
FLOW RATES: 1µL/min - 1mL/min.
INPUT PRESSURE: up to 10 bar or 145 PSI - external compressor or vacuum pump required.
CLOSED-LOOP FEEDBACK: Flow sensors provide active feedback and precise flow control.
EASY TO USE: simple software control via SmartFlo software or LabVIEW.
Flow Sensor
Flow sensors for Cellix's microfluidic pumps enable active feedback and PID control. Ideal for microfluidic applications, where accurate and stable flow rate delivery is required resulting in superior performance. Flow sensors are compatible with the ExiGo, UniGo and 4U microfluidic pumps.
Features and Benefits
CLOSED-LOOP FEEDBACK: Flow sensors provide active feedback and precise flow control.
MODULAR: flow sensors are suitable for use with ExiGo syringe pumps, UniGo and 4U pressure pumps so you can mix-and-match syringe and pressure pumps giving greater flexibility for your microfluidic set-up.
FLOW RANGES: 1.5µL, 7µL, 80µL and 1mL sensors available.
LOW DEAD VOLUME: 1µL, 1.5µL, 5µL & 25µL dead volume for 1.5µL, 7µL, 80µL & 1mL sensors, respectively.
4U Pump: Connecting sample reservoir and flow sensor

Connect 4U Pump to a 15mL Sample Reservoir and Flow Sensor.
Twist and push the tube and connect it to the Sample Reservoir.
Push the tubing into the port of the sample reservoir and push the other end of the tubing into port to 4U Pump.
Insert the tubing into the port for tubing located on the top of the sample reservoir and secure it with screws.
Screw other end of the tubing into the input port of the Flow Sensor.
Screw tubing to chip into output port of the flow sensor.
Connect cable to 4U Pump.
So now you’ve set up your 4U Pump and the flow sensor, and you know how each piece works. But, if you still have questions or want to learn more, check out our website, at wearecellix.com, or contact us here.