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Answers to your questions about the Inish Analyser : Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Part 1

Cellix Technical Team

What is Inish Analyser?

Inish Analyser is a simple automated instrument for cell counting, cell viability and transfection efficiency prediction.

  • Label-free : No fluorescent stains or dyes means we don’t waste time on sample preparation and cells remain functional and can be recovered after analysis if required

  • No expensive slides / chambers.

  • High-throughput : Analyse thousands of cells per second

  • Compatible with a wide variety of cell samples : Cell lines (e.g. Jurkats, CHO cells etc.), primary cells (e.g. T-cells from whole blood), stem cells, yeast cells, sperm cells

  • Easy-to-use compact Benchtop Instrument : Battery operation (3-4hrs before recharge) ensures it fits inside standard biosafety cabinet and operated by simple touchscreen workflow.

Do you have questions about Inish Analyser? Since Inish Anlayser is a great instrument for cell counting, cell viability and transfection efficiency prediction, we’re often asked questions about it.

Here, we’ll answer some of the top questions about this in-demand technology.

Q1. What type of cells can Inish analyse?

The Inish Analyser analysis a wide variety of cells such as T-cells, PBMCs, stem cells, cell lines (Jurkat, CHO etc.), yeast cells and sperm cells.

The Inish Analyser comes with one Sample Injector Module. The recommended SIM is SIM 60 as it is compatible with most cell types but with every order the customer gets a choice of SIM depending on their needs. SIM30 is suitable for analysing cells of 2µm - 12µm in size and

SIM60 is suitable for analysing cells of 6µm - 25µm. SIMs are interchangeable - so you don't have to buy a whole new Inish Analyser for each cell size range; just swap out the SIM as shown in the image below.

Q.2 How many cells are needed in one assay?

The minimum number of cells per assay is 2,000 and the maximum number of cells counted per assay is 10,000.

This is based on the recommended concentration of 50,000 - 2,000,000 cells/mL where 40µL of sample is used for each assay.

Q3. What is the technology being used in the Inish Analyser?

The technology being used in the Inish Analyser is Impedance Spectroscopy. This is a method of measuring the resistance and capacitance properties of a cell or particle by applying an electric field across two electrodes embedded in a microfluidic chip. As each cell flows past the electrodes, the electric field is disturbed. The advantage of this technology is that cells do not have to be labelled or stained to detect changes - it is label-free!

1. Sample is drawn into the Inish Analyser from the sample tube:

Sample is pumped through the microfluidic impedance chip. This chip contains embedded electrodes and the cells flow past these electrodes.

2. As the cells flow past the electrodes, they disturb the electric field.

3. This results in a true "single cell analysis" technique where results are reported in standard FCS file format: every dot on the scatterplot represents a single cell.

Q4. What is the battery life of the Inish Analyser?

The battery life of the Inish Analyser is 4 hours at full charge.

Q5. What do the results show?

Cell Counting & Viability results show a Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) scatterplot where:

  • Live” cell population is represented by the population of green dots.

  • Dead” cell population is represented by the population of red dots.

  • Debris population is represented by the population of dots on the left-hand side of the scatterplot along the Y-axis.

Results are also displayed in a table, showing concentration (Total cells/mL) and viability (%).

Transfection Efficiency results show a Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) scatterplot where:

  • “Live – Membrane closed” cell population is represented by the green dots.

  • Live - Membrane open” cell population is represented by the blue dots.

  • “Dead” - cell population is represented by the red dots.

  • Debris population is represented by the dots on the left-hand side of the scatterplot along the Y-axis.

Results are also displayed in a table, showing concentration (Total cells/mL); Membrane open (%); Membrane closed (%) and Transfection Efficiency - predicted (%).

Here is a video on the same for a more visual explanation and help you understand better :

To learn more about our products or request a quote, contact Cellix.

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