What is Inish Analyser?
Inish Analyser is a simple automated instrument for cell counting, cell viability and transfection efficiency prediction.
Label-free : No fluorescent stains or dyes means we don’t waste time on sample preparation and cells remain functional and can be recovered after analysis if required
No expensive slides / chambers.
High-throughput : Analyse thousands of cells per second.
Compatible with a wide variety of cell samples : Cell lines (e.g. Jurkats, CHO cells etc.), primary cells (e.g. T-cells from whole blood), stem cells, yeast cells, sperm cells
Easy-to-use compact Benchtop Instrument : Battery operation (3-4hrs before recharge) ensures it fits inside standard biosafety cabinet and operated by simple touchscreen workflow.
Do you have questions about Inish Analyser? Since Inish Anlayser is a great instrument for cell counting, cell viability and transfection efficiency prediction, we’re often asked questions about it.
Here, we’ll answer some of the top questions about this in-demand technology.
Q1 : After the assay, do you have a pure population of live cells?
A1: No - the Inish analyses the cells but it does not sort them or enrich them. The sample is collected in the waste tube and can be recovered.
Q2 : What is the difference between SIM30 and SIM60?
A2 : SIM30 is suitable for analysing cells of 2µm - 12µm in size and SIM60 is suitable for analysing cells of 6µm - 25µm. SIMs are interchangeable - so you don't have to buy a whole new Inish Analyser for each cell size range; just swap out the SIM as shown.

Q3 : What is the storage memory of the Inish Analyser and what is the format of the output file?
A3 : The storage memory of the Inish Analyser is and it can store up to 25,000 files. Typically the size of each file is ~1MB.
The results are displayed as Flow Cytometry Standard FCS scatterplot or CSV.

Q4 : How often do you have to change the waste tube?
A2 : The tubes are to be changed after every assay. If you don't change it and the tube over-fills, liquid will go into the pressure line causing damage to the instrument.
Q5: What is the size of the sample and waste tubes?
A5 : The Volume of the sample and the waste tube is 500µL and they are both available from Cellix.

If you have more questions about the Inish Analyser don’t forget to check out the first part of our FAQ video or you can directly get in touch with us!