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Answers to your questions about the VenaFlux Solutions : Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Cellix Technical Team

Quantify cell adhesion, rolling, migration, cell-cell adhesion, platelet aggregation, thrombi formation - all under shear flow.


The circulatory system contains many different types of blood vessels which delivers blood cells, nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and hormones to all parts of the body. Blood vessels play a huge role in many medical conditions such as:

  • Thrombosis

  • Inflammation

  • Atherosclerosis

​VenaFlux Solutions comprise packages to suit all budgets, with our Starter kit including a precision microfluidic pump, a microenvironmental chamber to hold the biochips which contain engineered microcapillaries and cell analysis software; to Pro and Elite versions including high-end fluorescent microscopes with a digital camera. The VenaFluxAssay software integrates the microfluidic pump, microscope and camera resulting in a complete automated high-throughput flow assay system for shear stress experiments.


Q1. What do I need to get started with my VenaFlux Basic/Starter?

You will need:

1. Inverted Microscope: e.g. AxioVert A1 fluorescence inverted microscope or similar.

Specifications include:

  • Objectives: 10X, 20X; 40X (LD A-plan 10x/0.25 Ph1 (PS); LD PN 20x/0.4 Corr Ph2; LD PN 40x/0.6 Corr Ph2)

  • LD condenser 0.4 for slider; Slider Ph/PlasDIC and Phase stop Ph 1/0.4 and Ph 2/0.4 for slider.

  • 40X Phase contract objective; LD-plan Neofluar 40x/0.6 Corr Ph2 M27

  • LED-Modules: 355nm, 470nm and neutral white f. and reflector module FL EC P&C.

  • Filter sets: 49 DAPI, EX G365 shift free; 38 HE GFP shift free and 43 HE Cy3 shift free.

  • Camera Adaptor: C-Mount 60N-C 1" 1.0x

2. Digital Camera: there are several options and the most budget-friendly is our DC-AVA1800. Specifications include:

  • Sensor: Progressive Scan CMOS

  • Pixel area: 3.45μm x 3.45μm (11.90μm )

  • Frame rate: 53 fps

  • Peak Quantum Efficiency % at 529nm: 64%

  • Active Array Size: 2064 x 1544 (3.2 Megapixel)

Note: you may require a C-mount adaptor to connect this camera to your current microscope. Please contact Cellix with details of your microscope to ensure we can recommend the correct C-mount adapter. The list price for the C-mount adapters is usually ~€200-300.

3. Image Analysis Software: we recommend Image Pro cell analysis software. It is supplied on a USB key which can plug directly into the computer for download of a single-user license. If your budget does not stretch to Image Pro, we recommend a free software package called ImageJ.

4. Computer Requirements: Windows 10 (not 11) required.

Q2. What accessories do I require to conduct a thrombosis assay with my VenaFlux set-up?

Below is a list of additional items required to conduct a thrombosis assay with the VenaFlux.

Note: the Eppendorf Reservoir is not required - this is usually used for droplet generation experiments; not for thrombosis experiments.

Q3. Which software is required for image analysis?

We recommend Image Pro cell analysis software. It is supplied on a USB key which can plug directly into the computer for download of a single-user license. If your budget does not stretch to Image Pro, we recommend a free software package called ImageJ.

Q4. Does Cellix provide product installation and training?

Product Installation:

  • VenaFlux Basic: Conducted online and it usually takes minutes to set-up the ExiGo pump but the customer should allow ~1hr so that we can explain everything to them, including the SmartFlo software.

  • VenaFlux Starter: Conducted online and it usually takes ~1hr to set-up the Mirus pump with the MultiFlow8 including priming/washout in preparation to begin the assay. The customer should allow ~2hrs so that we can explain everything to them, including the VenaFluxAssay software.

  • VenaFlux Pro: Conducted on-site by Cellix's trained personnel. It usually takes ~1 day to install the VenaFlux Pro.

  • VenaFlux Elite: Conducted on-site by Cellix's trained personnel. It usually takes ~1 day to install the VenaFlux Elite.

Product Training:

  • VenaFlux Basic: Conducted online and it usually takes ~1-2 hours so that we can explain everything to them, including the SmartFlo software. Before product training, our applications specialist Toby Paul, will contact the customer to ensure they have the reagents required to do the experiments.

  • VenaFlux Starter: Conducted online and it usually takes ~1-2 hours so that we can explain everything to them, including the SmartFlo software. Before product training, our applications specialist Toby Paul, will contact the customer to ensure they have the reagents required to do the experiments.

  • VenaFlux Pro: Conducted on-site by Cellix's trained personnel. It usually takes ~3 days to train users on the VenaFlux Pro. Before product training, our applications specialist Toby Paul, will contact the customer to ensure they have the reagents required to do the experiments.

  • VenaFlux Elite: Conducted on-site by Cellix's trained personnel. It usually takes ~3 days to train users on the VenaFlux Elite. Before product training, our applications specialist Toby Paul, will contact the customer to ensure they have the reagents required to do the experiments.

Training Charges:

  • VenaFlux Basic: Training is recommended but optional. It is conducted online and costs €395. This includes assistance with installation.

  • VenaFlux Starter: Training is recommended but optional. It is conducted online and costs €395. This includes assistance with installation.

  • VenaFlux Pro: Training is compulsory and included with the purchase of the VenaFlux Pro. It is conducted on-site by Cellix's trained personnel and usually takes ~3 days.

  • VenaFlux Elite: Training is compulsory and included with the purchase of the VenaFlux Elite. It is conducted on-site by Cellix's trained personnel and usually takes ~3 days.

If you already have some of these items (such as the inverted microscope, camera, or cell analysis software), we recommend the VenaFlux Starter kit. We have options that suit all budgets. You can check them out on our eShop.

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