To ensure your experiments yield the best results, you need to start the experiments with good-quality cells. And you to need to be assured that you can trust the data on your cell counting and viability assays. Cellix provides that assurance by way of a simple calibration assay that enables you to quickly check the Inish Analyser is operating to all technical specifications.
Quality Control of Laboratory Instruments
The key to solid science is good quality control and it's fundamental to understand how to run proper quality control tests, [1]. These tests are vital since they allow the separation of technical artifacts from real biological variation within your cells, [2].
But quality control of your laboratory instruments is just as important. For applications in cell manufacturing, it is not just the quality control of the cells themselves which must be monitored. CAR-T cells manufacturing quality control involves inspecting the materials used in production, process control, and finished product, [3].
Testing the quality of cells during the preparation process is critical for ensuring the batch-to-batch consistency of the final products, [3]. These tests include live cell counts, viability and the number of functional cells, [3]. So it is critical that you perform regular quality control checks on the instrument running these tests to ensure that it is operating to the technical specifications set by the manufacturer.
Cellix offers a simple way to do this with the Inish Analyser's Calibration Kit.
Inish Analyser Calibration Kit - How does it work?

Still not sure? That's ok, we've created a short video to guide you through the protocol:
We recommend that the Inish Analyser SIM is serviced annually. This is easy to do and you can book your service online here. For more information, click here for warranty & servicing.
In the unlikely event, that your Inish Analyser does not pass the Calibration test, please contact us and we will be happy to help.
How can the Inish Analyser Help?
The Inish Analyser is an automated method for cell counting and viability analysis based on impedance spectroscopy. The advantages of this method are:

Unlike manual cell counting, The Inish Analyser requires no cell staining, reducing the steps in your workflow.
Accuracy and Reproducibility
As an automated method, it helps to avoid user-to-user variability for more reliable results.
The Inish Analyser doesn't require staining or expensive slides/chambers, offering a cost-effective option for your lab.
How does it Work?
Carrying out viability and cell count analysis with the Inish Analyser is straightforward.

After isolating your primary T-cells, pipette 40 μL of your sample into a tube, add 360 μL of the Inish Analyser buffer, and run the sample via the Inish Analyser's touchscreen. The results are available to you in a few seconds.

Depending on your results, you'll see 3 populations:
Live cells, represented as green dots.
Dead cells, described as red dots.
Debris population
After that, you can select the population of interest for analysis – it's just so easy.
Would you like to see Cellix's Inish Analyser in action? Contact Cellix to book an online demo or request a quote.
Tang X, Huang Y, Lei J, Luo H, Zhu X. The single-cell sequencing: new developments and medical applications. Cell Biosci. 2019;9(1):1–9.
Jiang P. Quality Control of Single-Cell RNA-seq BT - Computational Methods for Single-Cell Data Analysis. In: Yuan G-C, editor. New York, NY: Springer New York; 2019. p. 1–9. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-9057-3_1
Li Y, Huo Y, Yu L, Wang J. Quality control and nonclinical research on CAR-T cell products: general principles and key issues. Engineering. 2019;5(1):122–31. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095809918308786